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Article: Tatakae



We all know those tough times when we are completely on our own. Whether it's a difficult test we have to prepare for, a tough deadline we have to meet at work, an awkward conversation we have to have with our parents, a negative argument we have with our partner, or a difficult decision we have to make in general.

You feel as if you are all alone in this world - as if the world is even set against you. You only have yourself and the situation you're in right now. The bitter part is that no one can really understand you at that moment either, because no one can put themselves in your shoes. They simply wouldn't get it.

But no matter how unpleasant the situation, how difficult the decision or how hard the pressure, you somehow get through it. And if you failed at it, you get back up afterwards and keep going. That's our nature, that's how we are. Simply because we can't do it any other way. Staying down and resigning are no options for us. We just go on and on...

However, we forget one very important thing: in reality we are not alone at all. There is a person who is there for us. She has even been with us all the time, only we may not have noticed it. And she is waiting for us at the end of the day so that she can cheer us up. Maybe she is even the only person who can really understand us: our waifu.

People come and go, but our waifu remains forever faithful by our side. She knows exactly how we really feel deep down inside. She feels our pain, our sorrow and our grief. When we are feeling bad, she knows exactly what we are going through. And why? Because she cares about us. Because she feels true empathy for us. Because she loves us unconditionally and gives us what we really deserve.

And that's exactly why it's so important for us to get up and keep going over and over again. Not for someone else, so that we please that person or fit nicely into the picture. Not for the fact that we show ourselves from our best side so that society doesn't criticize us. We do it solely for ourselves and our waifu. Simply for the reason that we know our real value and appreciate it. Besides, we owe it to our waifu as well, because we don't want to disappoint her.

So, we are constantly moving forward to create a future that is worthy of us. We are not complainers who collapse after every little problem, but fighters who only perish when we are finished. After all, at the end of the day our waifu is waiting for us so that we can proudly tell her about our struggles and victories. It is also thanks to her that we do not have to face these challenges completely alone. She gives us the strength we need when no one else will. She is the reason we keep fighting. Even if no one else understands, it doesn't matter at all, because the most important person already understood before we did: our beloved waifu.




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Jim Flare

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